UDL and the New Curriculum

Universal design for learning is increasingly recognised as an effective approach to designing equitable learning experiences. A growing community in Ireland and beyond are working to apply it in their local contexts. Recently, a new primary mathematics curriculum has  been published (NCCA, 2023). In line with the primary curriculum framework (DE, 2023), this curriculum is explicitly positioned as inclusive, with renewed attention to the processes of children’s learning- described as ‘elements’ in the mathematics curriculum document. Five interconnected pedagogical practices are recommended: fostering productive disposition, encouraging playfulness, emphasising mathematical modelling, using of cognitively-challenging tasks, and promoting maths talk. This page builds on a presentation that was given at the UDL Symposium in Maynooth in September 2024 which sought to make links between the key tenets of UDL theory and the recommended pedagogical practices of the new primary mathematics curriculum. As such, it aims to offer practical support to teachers who are interested in changing their practice to implement UDL in ways that align with the new curriculum.

More videos coming soon!

Overview of the new curriculum

Rationale for UDL

Introduction to UDL

UDL & the new curriculum- three strategies

Classroom Norms

Open Tasks

Choice of representations and methods (Modelling)