All users will have to register and agree to the rules outlined before viewing the video data on the website. These rules and procedures have been developed based on those found at the University of Michigan ‘Teaching Works’ website This is a well-established website which uses video data of real classrooms to support professional development for teachers.
I agree that:
- I will treat those who appear in the videos with thoughtfulness and respect
- I will ensure that I am the only person who uses my account
- I will refrain from and/or prevent videos or other information from being used outside of this site- including prohibiting videos, screenshots or other reproductions to be made
- I will honour the agreements made by those who appear in the videos by
- reporting instances where information is found that may put a student’s or teacher’s privacy at risk (report to website link)
- Not using videos that contain potential privacy issues
- Not showing the content to others unless it is in an educational setting such as a course or workshop, where I will take personal responsibility for the individuals with whom I am working, ensuring their compliance with these agreements.
I affirm that:
- I understand that this agreement only allows me to use the videos and contents for personal viewing and for limited educational purposes and not for research. I understand that if I use the video contents for education, I am responsible for helping my learners understand what it means to treat the videos, the information in the videos and the people in the videos in respectful and responsible ways. I will contact (website link) if I have questions about this.