A TeachMeet is an organised but informal meeting for practitioners and teachers to share good practice, practical innovations and personal insights. Teachers can choose to listen or to present. We see the Teachmeet format as a powerful way of sharing practice and engaging in conversations about teaching and learning. To provide feedback on these events please click here.
TeachMeet October 2023
Maths4All wants to create opportunities for teachers to talk to teachers and to share good practice, practical innovations and personal insights. Together with Clare Education Centre, Tralee Education Centre and Navan Education Centre, we will host a free online TeachMeet on 18th January at 7p.m.
If you are interested in attending, please register here.
If you would like to present at future events, please fill in this form or contact Siun.NicMhuiri@dcu.ie.
Presenters and titles to be announced shortly!

TeachMeet January 2023
Maths4All wants to create opportunities for teachers to talk to teachers and to share good practice, practical innovations and personal insights. Together with Clare Education Centre, Tralee Education Centre and Navan Education Centre, we will host a free online TeachMeet on 18th January at 7p.m.
If you are interested in attending, please register here.
If you would like to present at future events, please fill in this form or contact Siun.NicMhuiri@dcu.ie.
Using arrays to model multiplication
Mary McMahon, Scoil Chliodhna CNS
Teaching Shape using SCRATCH and unplugged SCRATCH Jigsaws
Míchéal Brennan, Aedín McCabe and Seamus O’Neill, St Stephen’s Senior National School
Patterning and Problem-Solving in Infants.
Orla Ryan, Scoil Carmel Junior National School.
Facilitating Collaborative Problem-Solving using Rich Tasks
Sarah Clinton, Pope John Paul II National School

TeachMeet September 2022
Using virtual manipulatives for maths in the junior classes
Sarah Byrne
St Vincent de Paul Infant School, Griffith Avenue, Dublin 9.
Raising spatial skills through incorporation of key spatial enhancements
Angela Langan
Maynooth Educate Together
Maths +Art = Smart
Anne Marie Griffin
Renmore School
Is Barbie realistic? Reflecting on a measurement lesson
Caroline Stone
St. Mary’s Primary School, Edenderry.

TeachMeet May 2021
Learning in the Early Years
Maths4All is interested in facilitating conversations across preschool and primary. Together with Clare Education Centre, we hosted a free online TeachMeet on May 11th at 7p.m with presentations by preschool and primary educators
If you are interested in attending or presenting at future TeachMeet events, please register here.

TeachMeet February 2021
Teaching and Learning Primary Maths
On February 24th 2021, in conhunction with ClareEducation Centre, we hosted a free online TeachMeet with a number of primary teacher presenters.
Presentations included:
Exploring Division with 5th Class, a Problem-solving Approach, Patrick Neary, St. Cronan’s Senior National School
Algorithms Invented 4th Class Children for the Solution of Multidigit Multiplication Tasks, Jean Donnelly, Tyrrelstown Educate Together N.S.
Using Picture Books in the Mathematics Classroom, Edward Fitzgerald, Class Teacher, Scoil Mhuire Clarinbridge
Exploring Number through Izak9, Gráinne Higgins, Class Teacher, St. Philomena’s N. S., Tullamore, Co. Offaly.
Strategy Games for Maths Warm Ups, Aaron Carroll, 6th Class Teacher, St. John’s N.S, Cratloe, Co. Clare

TeachMeet October 2020
For Maths Week 2020, Maths4All ran a TeachMeet that involved presentations from preschool, primary and secondary educators.
Learning Maths in the Early Years
Presenters who spoke about the teaching and learning of mathematics in the early years (preschool and primary) drew on their experiences of working with children in playful ways. They spoke about the importance of educators being alert for potential mathematical connections in everyday interactions and child-led activities. They highlighted that learning mathematics can occur in any setting (indoor and outdoor) and working with families to support parents in seeing and talking about mathematics in everyday situations can be very valuable for young children. It was noted again and again that ‘numeracy’ extends beyond counting and recognising numerals and that young children’s experience of maths should include opportunities to explore measures, shape, patterns and sorting. Learning opportunities can arise naturally through child-led activities or from educators choice of suitable nursery rhymes, picture books or other playful experiences that have meaningful connections to the child’s environment.
A number of presenters from the Early Learning Initiative at National College of Ireland presented on aspects of their work. This video presents some aspects of this work.
Learning Maths in Primary and Secondary School
Presenters spoke on a wide variety of topics as they explored mathematics learning in senior primary and secondary classrooms. Common themes of problem-solving, communicating, child-centred investigation and pupil agency emerged from the contributions and the subsequent discussions.
Some presenters explored novel problem-solving contexts such as picture books, izak9 cubes, rich games and concept cartoons. Others focused on how children engage in problem-solving lessons and the learning that can be derived from such contexts.The presentations highlighted the multi-faceted nature of ‘problem-solving’ and emphasised the importance of critical-thinking, reasoning and communicating. There was consensus that children are capable of deep mathematical thinking.
A sense of anticipation was notable as innovations and developments in mathematics education were discussed and it was clear that an appetite exists for further discussion on rich problem-solving contexts and their importance in the classroom.